Practicum and Classes

Practicum was yesterday and I quite enjoyed myself.    I took some great classes, and learned several new things.

I think I learned a lot by teaching my class, too.  I did a class on basic weave structures, covering a little historical detail and then letting people try to make them using cardboard looms.  I had a full house!  It seemed to go over well, and people appeared to have fun and were very keen.  I had several questions that gave me some insight into how I should flesh out my handout, and several questions about more advanced weaves.

I would eventually like to do a full series of courses covering weaving in the SCA period.  I have a five-class plan in mind that should take a whole day.  It will take me a while to develop in full (and I really, really need the drawloom for the advanced class if I want to make samples), but I’ve got the beginner class going. and maybe next year I can add the second beginner class and the two intermediates.

As always, I am inspired by the energy of so many people sharing their knowledge.

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